Quick + Easy Relief for Sinus and Nasal Congestion

Sniffles, runny nose, congestion or sinus pressure got you down? Use this simple at-home treatment to clear our your nasal and sinus passages, allowing for drainage of the yucky stuff so that you can feel clearer and better. This is also great to use preventively and at the first sign of nasal or sinus congestion.Continue reading “Quick + Easy Relief for Sinus and Nasal Congestion”

Your skin.

You probably know your skin pretty well. It’s your largest organ, it’s your body’s first protective means, and it’s what you see when you look in the mirror. It’s beautiful. Your skin can also provide a window into what’s going on inside your body and can help to make you aware of your body’s needs.Continue reading “Your skin.”

Reduce dairy to lessen chronic pain, inflammation, sinus congestion and more

More and more people are reducing dairy or going dairy-free these days. It’s not a fad. It’s also not a diet for weight loss. It’s deciding that your health – and the life that better health allows you to live – is worth more than the momentary yumminess of a lot of cheese, ice creamContinue reading “Reduce dairy to lessen chronic pain, inflammation, sinus congestion and more”

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